Composite wastewater treatment package

All human beings always need many factors such as water, soil, weather and air, from birth to death, and for this reason, it is necessary for everyone to make all their efforts in order to preserve and maintain their environment. take

It should be mentioned that many factors, including air pollution, organic substances, radioactive substances, heat increase, etc., lead to the destruction of the environment, of course, sewage is one of the most destructive ones; Because human activities, such as washing, cooking, etc., lead to the creation of harmful and of course impure substances, whose entry into our environment can lead to the destruction of all living organisms.

Of course, there is no need to worry anymore; Because today, sewage packages play an important role in controlling and even purifying wastewater, and for this reason, we are going to discuss fiberglass sewage packages.

What is fiberglass or composite?

First of all, it is necessary to introduce you to the high-quality and of course common type of fiberglass; This material is made of fiber-reinforced plastic, and fortunately, its resistance is slightly higher than that of plastic, which will certainly not be ineffective in increasing the durability and lifespan of this product.

Fiberglass wastewater treatment package

In short, it can be said that this product is required to destroy chemical substances and organic substances, and it is obvious that it plays an important role in protecting and cleaning the environment; Unfortunately, if we don’t use the grp sewage treatment package or fiberglass, we will face the spread of infectious diseases or even an increase in mortality; For this reason, the use of this product is considered essential.
The need to use the GRP sewage treatment package

Some people are concerned about why they should use the sewage treatment package, and the answer should be said: Failure to install and operate this product in sensitive places such as factories, restaurants, hospitals, etc. leads to the production and proliferation of toxic substances in environment and it is obvious that eventually this will cause the destruction of all living beings including plants, animals and even humans on the surface of the earth.
Applications of composite wastewater treatment package

The good news is that fiberglass sanitary wastewater treatment packages can be used in many cases, including sanitary wastewater treatment plants, decentralized wastewater treatment in areas where central water treatment systems are not available, and finally irrigation to agricultural sectors. .

Advantages of fiberglass wastewater treatment package

It is better to know that most of the products have countless advantages and fortunately, fiberglass wastewater treatment packages are not an exception to this issue, and in the following we intend to introduce you to their features:

1) Occupying a small space: always, most sanitary sewage packages require a lot of space, and by the way, for this reason, most people refrain from preparing them, which of course is nothing to worry about; Because composite sewage packages need little space and everyone can prepare them with minimum facilities.

2) Ease of repair: One of the common features of this product is its easy repair and use, which fortunately is possible in the least possible time and at an affordable price.

3) Easy access: Unfortunately, in recent years, we have seen a shortage of sanitary wastewater treatment packages, of course, fiberglass packages are excluded from this issue, and consumers can get them by visiting related centers.

4) Reducing the production of sludge: the good news is that fiberglass sanitary wastewater treatment packages prevent the production of sludge and any solid materials, which naturally will not be ineffective in protecting the environment.

5) Use in all regions: It is better to know that composite materials or fiberglass are resistant to various climatic conditions, such as humidity, heat increase, cold air, etc., and for this reason, this product can be used in all regions.

6) Easy transportation: It should be noted that the composite material is made of compressed plastic, and for this reason, this leads to the light weight of this product, and finally, it faces easy and quick transportation. we will be.

7) No unpleasant smell: The manufacturers used their utmost knowledge and technology in the construction and design of composite sewage treatment packages, and because of this, the amount of leakage and unpleasant smell has been reduced to the minimum possible.

8) Corrosion resistant: always, many sewage treatment packages are exposed to corrosion and any impact, and this leads to depreciation and destruction of the product, although composite products have a unique stability against corrosion. Are.

9) Energy saving: It should be noted that sanitary wastewater treatment packages are dependent on electricity sources in order to operate, and naturally this leads to huge and staggering costs, which of course, fiberglass wastewater treatment packages They need little energy

Composite wastewater treatment package components

It should be mentioned that sewage treatment packages are produced and presented in sanitary, human, industrial, etc. types, each of which has unique uses, and of course, many of its components and accessories are similar and identical, and in We continue to describe them:

Garbage collector: It is better to know that before treating existing sewage, we must separate any additional materials such as garbage, garbage, solid materials, etc. Of course, before choosing these methods, we must pay attention to the size of the garbage; Because if the existing particles are small, they will be collected with the help of manual and human power, and we no longer need to use mechanical methods.
Balancing tank: as it is clear from the name of these components; This tank deals with the balance and homogenization of the existing wastewaters, and the wastewaters after passing through the garbage collection stage are transferred into the balancing tanks and the wastewaters are placed inside it.

It should be mentioned that the wastewater will enter the next ponds after balancing.

Air supply system: It is obvious that air production is done with the help of built-in and unique blowers, and special parameters under the title of air production capacity and required pressure work in the direction of air transfer.
Aeration pond: In general, it can be said that the aeration pond is one of the most important elements in fiberglass wastewater treatment packages, which will lead to the growth and proliferation of microorganisms.

Wastewater decomposing bacteria decompose the desired wastewater with the help of oxygen consumption, and naturally, in this process, we will face a decrease in the COD of the wastewater; COD refers to oxygen in water, sewage, etc.

Sedimentation pond: Always, existing wastes need to be clarified and clarified, which is a serious task for the settling pond, which after cleaning, the existing wastes are directed to the chlorination tank.

It is better to know that sedimentation ponds are considered as funnels and will be transferred from the bottom of the tank into the aeration ponds.

Chlorination pond: It should be noted that the chlorination pond is one of the main and essential components of a sanitary wastewater treatment package and causes the destruction and destruction of microorganisms in pollutants; It is better to know that chlorine is produced in two forms, powder and liquid, and everyone can prepare them according to their needs.
Air transfer pipe: always, sanitary sewage treatment packages need various accessories in order to continue their task, the most common of which are the air transfer pipe and the sludge transfer pipe, which naturally will not be ineffective in the performance of this product. .
Electrical panel: as we installed; Most of the sewage treatment packages require energy and electricity, and for this reason, unique electrical panels are installed by specialists in this system.

How the GRP sewage package works

In short, it can be said that this product is required to remove suspended and of course dangerous substances such as ammonia, arsenic, iron and fluoride, if they are not removed, we will face irreparable problems.

The growth of microorganism always leads to the removal and destruction of organic pollutants, and for this reason, sanitary wastewater treatment packages try to increase their growth and reproduction, of course, this product also plays an important role in purifying and cleaning deposits. performs; In the following, we are going to introduce you to the process:

1) Transfer from the pumping station: first of all, it is necessary to collect the existing wastewater from different departments and after replacing it in the primary tanks and carrying out quantitative or qualitative balancing processes with the help of the sludge pump into the packages The treatment plant will be moved.

2) Anaerobic ABR unit: It is better to know that baffled units are called anaerobic and in this position we are dealing with chambers in which pollutants and even effluents are purified.

Don’t forget that the ABR anaerobic system has a unique efficiency and power and treats the desired wastewater in the least possible time, and for this reason, their use is considered a necessity.

Advantages of using anaerobic system

Some people are concerned about why they should use the anaerobic system, and we are going to address them below:

It does not need any kind of electrical energy and naturally this will not be ineffective in saving and reducing its related costs.
Another advantage of this system is its installation underground, which does not require any separate space, and fortunately, it does not harm the beauty of your desired location.
It is obvious that everyone is looking for durable and cost-effective systems, and fortunately, anaerobic systems also have these facilities.
The creation and production of sludge from wastewater treatment is not seen in anaerobic systems, and naturally, this case will not be ineffective in preventing environmental pollution.

Disadvantages of using anaerobic system

As you know, most of the wastewater treatment systems have some disadvantages and naturally, anaerobic systems are not exempt from this, and we are going to describe some of them below:

It should be said that anaerobic systems deal with sewage and sludge resulting from it on a daily basis, and for this reason, it gets polluted in the least possible time, for which we have to use water resources to clean it. We will face the waste of water and its huge costs.
The process of wastewater treatment by anaerobic systems requires a lot of time, and unfortunately, in this regard, we encounter the production of a lot of sludge, all of which will lead to the destruction of the environment.

2) Anoxic system process: it can be said about the working of anoxic systems that it destroys and destroys the nitrogen in the wastewater; Then this process leads to the production of nitrated water in the environment.

The activity and existence of microorganism in this step causes nitrate to be used as electron acceptors and through this the necessary oxygen is provided and then nitrogen will be released in the form of N2 gas in the environment.

3) How the IFAS reactor system works: In recent years, we have seen the production of reactor systems that are a combination of activated sludge and fixed bed method.

Regarding the fixed bed process, it can be said that it has remarkable resistance, and of course, the functioning of activated sludge for the purpose of biological wastewater treatment requires a lot of time, which is why it is better to use the combination of both methods.

Why should we use the IFAS reactor system?

One of its unique advantages is the production of little sludge; Because this will prevent the creation of unpleasant odors or the release of toxic substances into the environment and will ultimately lead to the preservation of the health of all living organisms.
Using the two methods of activated sludge and fixed biofilm will cause the sludge to stay in the system for a longer period of time and eventually we will face an increase and proliferation of nitrates.

Disadvantages of using the IFAS reactor system

As we mentioned, reactor systems in GRP sewage packages have a unique technology, and for this reason, a huge cost is used in its construction.
Unfortunately, in recent years, we faced a shortage of required parts for the reactor, and we are always facing many problems in getting them.
Like the aeration system, it needs a lot of energy.
The design and construction of this system is very complex and it is necessary to use the knowledge of specialists in this field.

4) Static sedimentation unit: all sanitary wastewater treatment packages always had a sedimentation tank, and naturally, fiberglass wastewater packages are not exempt from this issue; This tank is required to keep the suspended particles stable and do not forget that before entering the wastewater into the tank, it is necessary to use special chemicals so that these substances coagulate in the shortest possible time.

The most important factor that differentiates this tank from other systems is that after the completion of the purification process, it collects the produced sludge completely automatically.

5) Chlorination unit: It should be noted that microorganisms are found in all lake water, river water, etc., which fortunately do not cause any harm not only to humans, but also to any living creatures, including animals, beasts, etc. make But unfortunately, the pathogens in the water sometimes lead to dangerous diseases in people, of course, this substance will multiply in the least possible time.

Of course, there is no need to worry anymore; because the existing methods of water purification such as sedimentation, coagulation, chlorination, etc. purify the existing water and everyone can drink water with ease; Calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite materials are used in chlorination units, which will certainly not be ineffective in water purification.

Factors affecting the price of composite wastewater treatment package

After learning about the fiberglass wastewater treatment package, it is time to prepare them, and in this regard, it is necessary to know the price of this product well; For this reason, we are going to describe the factors affecting its rate in the following:

The cost of raw materials: It is obvious that the cost of manufacturing and producing composite raw materials is very different from metal, concrete, etc., and for this reason, composite sanitary wastewater treatment packages have an affordable price.
Installation cost: As we mentioned, fiberglass sewage treatment packages are produced in a small weight, and this also leads to the ease of transportation and relocation of this product.
Maintenance cost: It is better to know that GRP sewage treatment packages have a remarkable life and durability, and fortunately, the cost of repair or maintenance will be affordable.
The quality of incoming sewage: it is better to know that there are many types of incoming sewage, such as sanitary sewage, industrial sewage, car wash sewage, mixed sewage, etc., and each of them will lead to a different price for this product.
Expected water quality: this whole process is difficult and sensitive in order to access clean and healthy water, of course, the quality obtained must be such that it can be used as irrigation of green spaces, agricultural environments, etc. benefit and it is obvious that increasing the standards of purified water will lead to an increase in the price of sanitary wastewater treatment packages.
Type of treatment process: In general, it can be said that many parameters, such as incoming wastewater, quality of incoming wastewater, etc., will be effective in the type of treatment process, and naturally, all these factors play an important role in the rate of composite wastewater treatment packages. do
